Why You Should Support CAIR-AZ
Check out our video from our 2016 CAIR-AZ Banquet - featuring Imraan Siddiqi, Liban Yousuf and Kristy Sabbah.
#HateHurts – Islamophobia and the Election: Spiraling Out of Control
With the election around the corner, we are seeing a massive upswing in violence and anti-Muslim targeting as a fallout from campaign rhetoric. Last week, an Agoura Hills, CA man was arrested with a cache
CAIR-AZ Seeks Relief for Recently-Settled Refugee Family After Apparent Retaliatory Eviction
(PHOENIX, AZ, 10/5/16) - The Arizona chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-AZ) is seeking relief for members of a recently-resettled refugee family who are alleging that they have been unjustly ordered to be
#HateHurts – Violent Islamophobia is on the Rise
Once again, there has been a sharp upswing in violent Islamophobia in the U.S. In recent days, we have seen the Ft. Pierce mosque firebombed by an individual, who espoused anti-Islam sentiments. We have seen
CAIR-AZ Launches #HateHurts Initiative
Islamophobia and the fallout affecting multiple communities is arguably at an all-time high. In the past few months alone, numerous mosques have been vandalized and/or targeted in addition to multiple violent attacks against Muslims, Sikhs,
CAIR-AZ Seeks Hate Crime Probe After Syrian Refugee Family Threatened at Home
On Wednesday, June 15th - A Syrian refugee family reported receiving the following hateful posting on the door of their home in Tucson, Arizona: CAIR-AZ is calling on Tucson police to investigate this as a