Perspective: CAIR National Council and Capitol Hill Days
by Neekta Hamidi – CAIR-AZ Board of Directors Overlooking the Potomac River, with the Washington Monument peeking in the distance, the CAIR National Council appeared to be a glimpse into some sort of Muslim “House of Cards” episode. Attorneys conversed about up-and-coming bills in congress, men in suits adjusted “CAIR” pins on their red and […]
CAIR-AZ Team Members Attend Capitol Hill Days in DC
This past weekend, members of the CAIR-AZ team gathered in Washington DC to participate in Capitol Hill Day visits with elected officials. Our team members scheduled visits with various members of the Senate and House of Representatives, on both the Democrat and Republican sides. Our goal was to engage with these congressional offices on issues […]
Meet Our New Civil Rights Coordinator
Liban Yousuf CAIR-AZ’s new Civil Rights Coordinator CAIR-AZ is proud to announce the hiring of its newest team member: Liban Yousuf, as our full-time Civil Rights Coordinator. Liban is a very active member of the Arizona Muslim community, and has been involved with many organizations locally since moving here in 2006. Most recently, he has […]
Know Your Rights Presentation with Somali Community
CAIR-AZ was proud to be invited to speak to a packed audience at the Somali Community’s Mu’Tamar event last weekend. The subject matter covered Know Your Rights – when dealing with law enforcement. The chapter’s representatives Imraan Siddiqi and Liban Yousuf explained the importance of asserting one’s rights when speaking with law enforcement, and explained […]
CAIR-AZ Reps Heading to DC to Engage with Elected Officials
We are only a month away from what has become a great yearly tradition for the CAIR-Arizona team – Muslim Day on Capitol Hill. Each year, delegates from the nation’s CAIR chapters meet in Washington D.C. to engage with elected officials, and discussing key issues facing our communities. In 2013, CAIR-AZ met with Congressional offices […]
CAIR-AZ Banquet: Faith in Freedom – Schedule it Now Up!
With the banquet just a few days away – the CAIR-AZ Team is excited to host this great event. Where: Hilton-Phoenix/Mesa When: Saturday, November 9th Registration Begins at 5:30pm – Program will start at 6:00pm Tickets: Banquet Schedule Event Emcee: Neekta Hamidi – CAIR-AZ Board Quranic Recitation Keynote Speaker: Max Blumenthal Chapter Presentation: Dr. […]