CAIR-AZ Launches #HateHurts Initiative

Islamophobia and the fallout affecting multiple communities is arguably at an all-time high.  In the past few months alone, numerous mosques have been vandalized and/or targeted in addition to multiple violent attacks against Muslims, Sikhs, and those perceived to be Muslim.  CAIR-AZ has launched a new initiative entitled: Hate Hurts – to document this disturbing […]

Help CAIR-AZ This Ramadan!

CAIR-AZ has become a leading voice in fighting back against Islamophobia, and protecting our community’s civil rights. We need your help in sustaining and growing to become the most effective organization we can be. Visit to make your tax-deductible, zakat eligible donation today!

PRESS Release: CAIR-AZ Applauds Release of Palestinian Asylum Seeker from ICE Detention

PRESS Release: CAIR-AZ Applauds Release of Palestinian Asylum Seeker from ICE Detention (PHOENIX, AZ, 5/27/2016) – The Arizona chapter of the Council on American Islamic-Relations of (CAIR-AZ) today applauded the decision of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to release Palestinian asylum seeker Hisham Ghalia from his prolonged detention. In February, CAIR-AZ, along with The […]

PRESS RELEASE: CAIR-AZ Applauds Release of Palestinian Asylum Seeker from ICE Detention

PRESS Release: CAIR-AZ Applauds Release of Palestinian Asylum Seeker from ICE Detention (PHOENIX, AZ, 5/27/2016) – The Arizona chapter of the Council on American Islamic-Relations of (CAIR-AZ) today applauded the decision of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to release Palestinian asylum seeker Hisham Ghalia from his prolonged detention. In February, CAIR-AZ, along with The […]

12-Year-Old Boy Allegedly Called Terrorist by Teacher

This week in following stories in Islamophobia: A 12-year-old boy was reportedly called “terrorist” in front of classmates by a teacher. Also, there have been 7 anti-Muslim incidents on campuses across the U.S. this week alone.